CIS news
- Da Vinci's new NIR camera allows a lot deeper insight into tissues
- More good news for Intuitive: the firefly fluorescence imaging system is flying well
- Heart operation with the LEAR technique
- TORS getting more and more popular
- First randomized study for robotic prostate surgery to come
- UCSD opens a $70M medical trianing center
- A different view on the necessity of robotic surgery--from Pakistan
- Mazor starts to sell the Magellan system
- An ARTAS hair implantation robot has been installed at a Denver clinic and in a Beverly Hills hospital
- Kinect to manipulate medical datasets
- Magnetically Guided Colonoscopy from Vanderbilt
- Toyota's new patient transportation robot
- High hopes for ROBODOC in Korea
- Hitachi's robot won prizes in 2007. Any news since?
- Canon Medtech award -- I especially like the VeinViewer
- Robot contrtolling a human arm
- Call for the 3rd IPCAI meeting (deadline: Nov. 25.)
- The Dept. of Advanced Robotics at the Italian Institute of Technology invites applications for post-doc positions
- Got published: my thesis on CIS algorithms