CIS news
NeuroArm is now over 30 human patients
- Short demo with the ROBOCAST system
- Learn more about the Virtobot – mobile and stationary systems for a minimally invasive autopsy
- Get up-to-date on robotic companies stock prices
- Video introduction of the UW BioRobotics lab
- We have immediately seen some reactions and criticism from Skeptical Scapel about the Intuitive CEO interview I also posted last week
- Even more, Intuitive got sued again. Although the court has always rules in favor of them before, now they also claim that design flaws of the da Vinci caused the death of a 24-old girl.
- Videos from Memorial Hermann's live Twittercast of Open Heart Surgery
- Houston surgeon finds cure for sleep apnea
- Intuitive's Q1 results are out. Sound, as we are getting used to it. Some interesting facts:
- Their revenue breakdown is getting balanced: System base: 778M; Tools: $701M; Service agreement: 272M
- New clearance: 510(k) filed for a precise and fully articulated control of linear stapler
- Coming soon: Articulating vessel sealing and ligation
- Now in the USA: Single-port device for cholecystectomy
- TED: Medicine's future? There's an app for that
- TED: Virtual dissection table
- Transnasal tumor removal from an 11-year-old
- The Kymerax flexible endoscopic system in use
- A new dexterous tool design from EPFL
- A cool nerve detector device
- Syngo Dyn 360 Software for Angiographies from Siemens
- Varian, radiotherapy manufacturer opens an HQ in Budapest
- You can still apply for the SCATh workshop
- A new book came out from Jocelyne Trocazz on Medical Robotics