RAS TC Surgical Robotics Newsletter
IEEE RAS TC on Surgical Robotics Newsletter | Oct 17th
Previous co-Chairs Stepping Down
We would like to sincerely thank Arianna Menciassi, Sarthak Misra, and Nabil Simaan for their
outstanding service, tireless effort, and unwavering commitment as co-Chairs of our TC for the past three
years. They will stay engaged in the TC leadership activities as advisory committee members.
New co-Chairs
We are pleased to announce that Kanako Harada, Elena De Momi, Kai Xu, Michael Yip, and Pietro
Valdastri have accepted the invitations and have been appointed as co-Chairs for TC on Surgical Robotics.
Please visit our website to learn more about the new co-chairs.
IROS 2022 Workshops
Advanced Robotics and Visualization for Ophthalmic Surgery
- Organizers: M. Ali Nasseri, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Christos Bergeles, Emmanuel V. Poorten, Iulian
Iordachita, Raphael Sznitman
- Date/Time: October 23, 09:00, Full-day workshop
- Website: https://arvos.ws/
Computer-Integrated Surgery: Intelligent Robotic Systems of the Future
- Organizers: Guido Caccianiga, Andrea Mariani, Claudia D'Ettorre, Jie Ying Wu
- Date/Time: October 23, 09:00, Full-day workshop
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/computer-integrated-surgery-ws
A Panacea or An Alchemy? -- Benefits And Risks of Robot Learning In Medical Applications
- Organizers: Jing Guo, Di Wu, Loris Fichera, Chao Zeng, Zhan Li, Farshid Alambeigi
- Date/Time: October 23, 09:00, Full-day workshop
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/rolemap-iros2022
IROS 2022 Plenary & Keynote Talks
Plenary Talk: The Robotics Part of Micro and Nano Robots, by Brad Nelson, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
October 24, Monday, 9 am, Main Hall.
Sensorimotor Control Meets Surgical Robotics – A Model of the Surgeon Can Benefit Patients, by Ilana
Nisky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. October 24, Monday, 1 pm, Room A.
Robot-assisted remote minimally invasive surgery: the fusion of 5G and AI, by Shuxin Wang, Tianjin
University, China. October 24, Monday, 1 pm, Room B-1.
AI-Robotic Systems for Scientific Discovery -Role of Robotic Technologies, by Kanako Harada, The
University of Tokyo, Japan. October 26, Wednesday, 1:30 pm, Main Hall
Thanks to Long Wang for the Newsletter
Image credit: VISE Vanderbilt