
Showing posts from 2014

Video Wednesday

Season's Greetings

CIS news

THINK Surgical - ROBODOC relived

AVRA Surgical Robotics

CT- and MRI-guided computer-assisted needle placement

Video Wednesday

Quiz #11


What does 39 Maxon motor make?

Postdoc wanted at KULeuven

Updates on the SPORT system

Video Wednesday--SurgiBot


Updates on the ARTAS system

Video Wednesday

Robots at Medica2014

Friday Fun

Video Wednesday


Friday fun

Video Wednesday

The Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) robot from CMU

CIS news

Video Wednesday

Surgical Robots in Hollywood III

Friday fun

IRISS -- Intraocular Robotic Interventional and Surgical System

Brain surgery - the Vanderbilt access

Friday fun

Medical Robotic Technologies Inc


CIS news

Video Wednesday


Categorization of NOTES and SILS instruments

Quiz #10 contd.

Black Falcon at MIT museum