New 3DSlicer extension - TotalSegmentator: Fully automatic whole-body CT segmentation in 2 min


"A large number of AI segmentation models have been developed over the past few years, but TotalSegmentator 552 stands out in several aspects:

  • it can segment many structures: 104 anatomical structures (all abdominal organs, bones, larger vessels, muscles)
  • it is very robust: it can segment any whole-body, abdominal, chest CT images, regardless of image resolution and field of view
  • fast: computation time at full resolution is 1-2 minutes on a CUDA-capable GPU; and about 1-minute at low-resolution mode on CPU

While it is not perfect (there can be a couple of few-millimeter segmentation errors), the segmentation is accurate enough for most purposes - 3D visualization, quantification, specifying region of interest for segmentation, registration, or further analysis.

TotalSegmentator extension can be installed by a few clicks in the extensions manager. It does not require a GPU, it can segment a whole-body CT in about a minute using just the CPU, but a CUDA-capable GPU is recommended for full-resolution segmentation (which takes 1-2 minutes on GPU but it would take 40-50 minutes on CPU)."

Source: 3D, A. Lasso 



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