CIS news
- A cool new microsurgery robot designed by TU/e
- Recent financial analysis of ISRG
- ARIS analysis of the new da Vinci Xi system
- 3D printed phantoms for the da Vinci
- Johnson&Johnson established a partnership with Intuitive for surgical tools like tissue cutters and sealers
- Intuitive Surgical announced its 2015 grant programs for both clinical and technology research in the area of medical robotics.
- New Maestro AR da Vinci simulator from MIMIC
- It includes: 1) Colon mobilization
2) Kocherization of duodenum
3) Hilar dissection
4) Completion of kidney mobilization
5) Tumor excision and renorrhaphy - TransEnterix announces first human cases
- Interesting article appeared on the degradation of number of surgical cases medical students see
- FDA approves the Deka Arm
- Workshop on Neuro-Robotics for Patient-Specific Rehabilitation
- A workshop on "The role of human sensorimotor control in surgicalrobotics" at IROS
- Hamlyn workshop on Cognitive Surgical Robotics
- CFP: MBEC2014
- CFP: the 2nd Annual Pediatric Symposium in DC
- CFP: BioRob Workshop on Robotic Microsurgery and Image-Guided Surgical Interventions
- CFP: Johns Hopkins Symposium on Head and Neck Robotic Surgery, Adjuvant Therapy and Emerging Technologies
- CFP: 9th MICCAI Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions (AE-CAI)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Image-Guided Liver Surgery at the ARTORG Center of the University of Bern
- Fellowships to the three-year PhD Program in BioRobotics at SSSA
- Post-Doc positions in Surgical Robotics at LIRMM Montpellier
- Research Associate in Cherenkov Luminescence Imaging for Surgical Vision at UCL