Edge Medical Robotics

"Edge Medical Robotics CO.,LTD.was founded in Longgang, Shenzhen, China on May 4, 2017. It is committed to researching and promoting most advanced smart equipment in the world,polishing the ultimate product with the spirit of pursuing excellence and fineness, improving surgical safety and treatment efficacy, and contributing to uprising the level of social health. 
We are focused on design, development and commercialization of the most advanced medical devices around the world, and committed to polishing the ultimate products with the spirit of pursuing excellence and fineness, improving patient outcomes, hospital efficiency, and contributing to improvement of social health.
Through years’ accumulation, we have completely mastered the core technology of the most advanced single port surgical robot.  In January 2018, the first robot prototype was manufactured and tested and highly rated by top surgeons. 
The prototype performance is also confirmed to be reliable and effective with animal experiments in May 2018. Edge Medical is firmly proceeding to the CFDA certification process and expecting commercializing the most advanced surgical robot in China."

"Artery Network (WeChat ID: vcbeat) learned that the single-hole surgical robot developed by Jingfeng Medical broke through the patent blockade of Da Vinci surgical robot in China, and launched the first domestic single-hole surgical robot as early as May 2018 Animal testing. At present, the Jingfeng medical prototype has been iterated to the third generation and is expected to be launched on the market within two years.
In my country, the development of medical surgical robots is written in "Made in China 2025". However, Da Vinci surgical robots of Intuitive Surgery have monopolized the global market of porous surgical robots, with a cumulative installed capacity of more than 5,000 units, and the products are expensive. Compared with the multi-hole surgical robot currently on the market, the single-hole surgical robot has a higher degree of freedom. When completing laparoscopic surgery, only the doctor needs to cut a small hole in the human body. In this unoccupied field, domestically produced Companies are even more likely to overtake in curves with emerging technologies.

Therefore, there are many domestic institutions in the development of single-hole robots, and Jingfeng Medical can be said to be the main force in the research and development of domestic single-hole robots. Artery Network interviewed Wang Jianchen, the founder of Jingfeng Medical."

Source: Edge Medical Robotics, VCbeat


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