Further labs at LCSR

There are more labs around I am not really in touch with, but to finish the series of lab introductions, here is a short post about them.
Robot and Protein Kinematics Lab (RPK) focuses on self-replicating, binary and library robots. Their work on protein kinematics seeks to animate transitions between conformational states. In some cases two fully known conformations are provided as the inputs, and their mehods generate pathways that morph between these two states.
The Vision, Dynamics and Learning Lab (VDL) is more about biomedical imaging, computer vision, dynamics and controls, machine learning and hybrid systems. Neuroengineering and Biomedical Instrumentation Lab (NBI) is located in the Medical School, and record information from neurons or brain, and build prosthesis (arm) that can be controlled by this signals. Finally, the Laboratory for Computational Motor Control (LCMC) is all about motor control in health and disease, motor learning, robotics, computational neuroscience, brain imaging, neurophysiology.
Source: LCSR page


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