Call for papers #2

Only two weeks left!    

Special Issue of full papers and short communications on 
Artificial Intelligence Methods in Telesurgery
  • Submissions due: August 31, 2012
  • Publication date: February 2013 
Editor-in-Chief: K.- P. Adlassnig
Guest Editor: T. Haidegger 

Elsevier journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM) is pleased to announce a Special Issue of research   papers  on “Artificial Intelligent Methods  in Telesurgery” to be published in February 2013 (tentative). AIIM publishes articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence in medicine, human biology and health care.  The Special Issue will contain  five to seven research articles, methodological reviews  and survey papers  from the domain of telesurgery, introduced by a guest editorial.

Scope and topics of the SI: 
•  AI-based control methods for robotic telesurgery systems
•  AI-based solutions to deal with latency in telesurgery
•  AI-based clinical decision support in telesurgery applications
•  intelligent devices and instruments
•  intelligent human–machine interfaces for telesurgery devices
•  AI-based skill assessment in telesurgery 
•  efforts towards automated robotic surgery 
• methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in telesurgery. 
For more details and the Instruction for Authors, see the complete Call!
Or simply contact me.


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