Plenary speach at MACRo conference
You can see the slides here related to the "Recent Advances in Medical Robotics".
"Service robotics is becoming a leading application of the robotics domain, pulled by personal care robots and medical devices. In the latter category, teleoperated surgical systems—such as the da Vinci—has been on the market for well over 10 years, performing almost 2 million procedures, and several other medical applications have be robotized along the years with more or less success. Notably, autonomous or teleoperated patient visiting robots has recently been cleared for hospital use in the USA, and various minimally invasive and percutaneous systems have been released in Europe. The talk gives an overview of the 30-year-long history of medical robotics, with a special focus on surgical applications and telesurgery. It introduces the most important commercial systems and research prototypes along with their control architectures. Other control principals than telesurgery include the direct hands-on control or compliant motion, which is discussed through an example of a skull base neurosurgery robot developed at the Johns Hopkins University in the USA. The future of affordable long-distance telesurgery is sketched, along with foreseeable research paradigm in Europe within the frames of the new funding scheme, Horizon 2020."
"Service robotics is becoming a leading application of the robotics domain, pulled by personal care robots and medical devices. In the latter category, teleoperated surgical systems—such as the da Vinci—has been on the market for well over 10 years, performing almost 2 million procedures, and several other medical applications have be robotized along the years with more or less success. Notably, autonomous or teleoperated patient visiting robots has recently been cleared for hospital use in the USA, and various minimally invasive and percutaneous systems have been released in Europe. The talk gives an overview of the 30-year-long history of medical robotics, with a special focus on surgical applications and telesurgery. It introduces the most important commercial systems and research prototypes along with their control architectures. Other control principals than telesurgery include the direct hands-on control or compliant motion, which is discussed through an example of a skull base neurosurgery robot developed at the Johns Hopkins University in the USA. The future of affordable long-distance telesurgery is sketched, along with foreseeable research paradigm in Europe within the frames of the new funding scheme, Horizon 2020."