CIS news
- AutoLap was Named “Innovation of the Year” by the SLS
- First-of-its-kind, multi-institutional da Vinci-assisted ventral hernia study published in Surgical Endoscopy
- Top 10 surgical robots according to analyze
- The rising competition in surgical robotics
- BBC clip on the da Vinci Xi
- Some early thoughts about the real intentions of Auris
- FDA 510(k) clearance to invendo medical's invendoscopy E200 robotically assisted colonoscope
- Integris Bass Baptist Health Center has welcomed a new da Vinci Xi
- Israelis win the Hamlyn Surgical Robot Competition with their neurosurgical prototype
- Titan Medical's Sport to be presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the EAU Robotic Section in Milan, Italy
- Da Vinci gives surgeons a steady hand at Landstuhl
- One in three surgeries will use robots within the next five years
- Expensive robots may not be making surgeons—or patients—much better
- Rise of the surgical robot and what doctors want--Reuters
- Mazor's stocks are doing pretty well--so does the company
- Why robot-assisted surgery might have just reached a turning point
- Intuitive's H1 numbers are sound and strong
- What will determine the success of Medtronic's robot?
- Ergonomics: a less spoken argument on the cost and benefit of robotic surgery