MYNUTIA - KUL's eye surgery robot

MYNUTIA is the new name of KU Leuven's spinoff (featured before on our blog), which performed the first human surgery in January. "The robot is breaking the limits of eye surgery with state-of-the-art robotic technology. With the aid of its surgical robots, eye surgeons can improve the quality of existing therapies and perform previously impossible treatments. Treatments that give millions of visually impaired and blind people a chance to regain their vision. 
In contrast to conventional surgical robots, no joystick is required to operate the robot. For maximum safety and intuitiveness, the surgeon retains direct control of the instrument and its motion. The robot focuses exactly on what matters most: increasing the surgical precision over ten times. The precision enhancement is obtained by offering stabilization on three different levels: the surgeon's hand, the patient's eye and the surgical instrument."



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