Quiz #37

Our last quiz, #36 was featuring the MRI-guided needle placement robot from Sheikh Zayed Institute and Johns Hopkins. The correct answer was submitted by  M. Zecca the fastest. Congratulations!

Here is our next one for you! What system is on the picture above? You can submit your answers to surgrob.blog at gmail.com until November 1.


Zonahobisaya said…
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : Terbesar
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : Resep
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : One Piece
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : Profil
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : Resep
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : Profil
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : One Piece
ጥሩ ድር ጣቢያ : One Piece

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