TMRB - new issue

NEW REGULAR ISSUE (vol 4. issue: 4)


  • Robotic Ultrasonography for Autonomous Non-Invasive Diagnosis—A Systematic Literature Review, MCRoshan, APranata, and MIsaksson
  • Review of Bioinspired Vision-Tactile Fusion Perception (VTFP): From Humans to Humanoids, BHe, QMiao, YZhou, ZWang, GLi, and SXu
  • Design and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Compliant Wrist for Minimally Invasive Middle Ear Surger. ASwarup, JKim, PFrancis, KWEastwood, LAKahrs, NChayaopas, JDrake, and ALJames
  • Fluoroscopy-Guided Robotic System for Transforaminal Lumbar Epidural Injections. CGao, HPhalen, AMargalit, JHMa, P.-CKu, MUnberath, RHTaylor, AJain, and MArmand 
  • Design, Sensing, and Control of a Magnetic Compliant Continuum Manipulator. TLThomas, JSikorski, GKAnanthasuresh, VKVenkiteswaran, and SMisra
  • Toward the Design and Development of a Robotic Transcatheter Delivery System for Mitral Valve Implant. NUNayar, RQi, and JPDesai
  • Robotic Telepresence Based on Augmented Reality and Human Motion Mapping for Interventional Medicine. ZLin, TZhang, ZSun, HGao, XAi, WChen, G.-ZYang, and AGao
  • Control of Magnetic Surgical Robots With Model-Based Simulators and Reinforcement Learning. YBarnoy, OErin, SRaval, WPryor, LOMair, INWeinberg, YDiaz-Mercado, AKrieger, and GDHager
  • Development of a High-Sensitivity Proximal Force/Torque Sensor Based on Optical Sensing for Intravascular Robots. CShi, DSong, DLai, and SWang
  • Kinematic Modeling and Jacobian-Based Control of the COAST Guidewire Robot. ASarma, TABrumfiel, YChitalia, and JPDesai
  • Automatic Generation of Autonomous Ultrasound Scanning Trajectory Based on 3-D Point Cloud. JTan, YLi, BLi, YLeng, JPeng, JWu, BLuo, XChen, YRong, and CFu
  • DLPR: Deep Learning-Based Enhanced Pattern Recognition Frame-Work for Improved Myoelectric Prosthesis Control. SPancholi, AMJoshi, and DJoshi
  • Preference-Based Assistance Map Learning With Robust Adaptive Oscillators SLi, WZou, PDuan, and LShi
  • Depth Vision-Based Terrain Detection Algorithm During Human Locomotion AHAAl-Dabbagh and RRonsse
  • Biomechanical Trajectory Optimization of Human Sit-to-Stand Motion With Stochastic Motion Planning Framework. BSharma, BMPillai, and JSuthakorn
  • A Power-Capable Knee Prosthesis With Ballistic Swing-Phase SCCulver, LGVailati, and MGoldfarb 
  • A Model-Based Multi-Point Tissue Manipulation for Enhancing Breast Brachytherapy. MAfshar, JCarriere, TMeyer, RSSloboda, SHusain, NUsmani, and MTavakoli
  • Modeling and High-Definition Control of a Smart Electroadhesive Actuator: Toward Application in Rehabilitation. NFeizi, SFAtashzar, MRKermani, and RVPatel
  • Deep Learning for Instrument Detection and Assessment of Operative Skill in Surgical Videos. KLam, FP.-WLo, YAn, ADarzi, JMKinross, SPurkayastha, and BLo 
Source: IEEE Xplore


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