CIS news
- EPFL's Four-armed robotic surgical system prototype is controlled by hands and feet
- Micro-robot developed by Israeli founders of PrimeSense can deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier
- Exploring how soft robotics can revolutionize minimally invasive surgery
- WPI's Next Gen Energy-Based Surgical Robots to Perform Operations without Touching Human Tissues
- Think Surgical’s miniature surgical robotic system developed with Sagentia gains FDA clearance
- FlexDex Surgical Secures FDA Registration for AXIUS Needle Driver
- AIendoscopc's intuBot received $550K investment
- Cornerstone Robotics nets $110M to develop its endoscopic robot
- IotaMotion received $8.5m for its robotics-assisted solutions for cochlear implant surgery
- How Intuitive is growing in China
- PhD position Bioengineering and Robotics | ETT S.p.A. & PSPC Labs Genoa
- Two PhD Positions in Robotics for Healthcare and Education at Saint Louis University
- Doctoral Student Position in Medical Robotics for Surgery at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- The STORM Lab is looking for a Research Fellow in Control of Surgical Robots, with focus on robotic surgery (dVRK or serial robotic manipulators) for personalised cancer removal