Article intro - AutoSurg - Toumai surgical robot research kit (TmRK)
A recent article introduced the new Toumai Research Kit: Wang et al. AutoSurg-Research and Implementation of Automatic Target Resection Key Technologies Via Toumai Surgical Robot System, presented at the 2023 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics
Abstract—Targeted resection is a surgical operation thatoccurs at a high frequency in laparoscopic surgery. Byautomating such surgical tasks, the quality of surgery can beimproved and the cognitive burden of doctors can be reduced.This study is based on the Toumai surgical robot system, whichlocates the target position and instrument position in real timeby visual key point localization algorithm and depth localizationalgorithm, designs a state machine applicable to the automaticresection operation, and plans the motion trajectory of therobotic arm end effector in real time to finally complete theresection of the target point. The experimental results show thatthis automatic surgical robot system is accurate and efficient.
Keywords—Automatic surgery, Toumai surgical robot system,Target resection.
Source: IEEE Xplore