EndoTheranostics project is hiring

CREATE seeks 4 full-time Research Assistants (RAs) to work respectively on:

Since 20 years a collaboration is active between CREATE and PRISMA Lab (Projects of Industrial and Service Robotics Mechatronics and Automation) in DIETI (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) at University of Naples Federico II. The PRISMA team is committed since 35 years to pursuing research in robotics and automation, and is internationally recognized in the community for their achievements on industrial and service robotics.

The RAs will work with the Medical Robotics Team of the PRISMA group within the project “EndoTheranostics — Multi-sensor Eversion Robot Towards Intelligent Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapy”. The EndoTheranostics project is one of 37 projects selected for funding from 395 proposals in the ERC Synergy Grant 2022 call, the only one to be funded on robotics.

The candidate will work in Naples under the supervision of Professor Bruno Siciliano, PI for CREATE and Coordinator of PRISMA Lab, and will take advantage of collaborative partnerships with the teams of the other PI's of the project:
Professor Alberto Arezzo, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Torino
Professor Kaspar AlthoeferSchool of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Sébastien Ourselin, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London

Project duration: 6 years (July 2024 — June 2030)

Duration of the contract: 2 years, potentially renewable up to the end of the project

Working place: Medical Lab at ICAROS Center & B2R Lab of PRISMA Team

Salary: 38.000 € gross per year; such amount is higher than Italian fixed-term assistant professors' salary — the project will cover expenses for the research activities related to the offered position (conferences, equipment, etc.)

Please email your application to <create@unina.it> with your CV, a motivation letter and at least the names of two references. Please include in cc Prof. Bruno Siciliano <bruno.siciliano@unina.it> and Prof. Fanny Ficuciello <fanny.ficuciello@unina.it>.

Selected candidates will be contacted in due course for online interviews.


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