Article intro - Augmented dexterity in surgery


Augmented dexterity is coming! Robots could help close surgeons’ skill gaps and improve patient outcomes, as described nicely in this great collaboration article:

Augmented dexterity: How robots can enhance human surgical skills, by Ken Goldberg and Gary Guthart


Surgery is a highly respected profession for good reason: surgery requires many years of training to acquire detailed knowledge of human anatomy and medicine. The best surgeons combine that knowledge with extraordinary manual dexterity that they use to treat their patients and help them recover. A surgeon’s dexterity often separates the good surgeons from the great ones. Fortunately, emerging advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics now have potential to narrow this gap. Augmented Dexterity is related to augmented reality, where digital images are overlaid on top of live images, and is related to human supervisory control (4). Augmented Dexterity has potential to elevate good surgeons to the level of the best surgeons, which could support safer, faster, and more reliable surgery. Intuitive’s da Vinci X, Xi and 5 are taking the first steps toward Augmented Dexterity and researchers are exploring how emerging advances in AI and robotics can facilitate Augmented Dexterity.

The original, extended version is also available.

Source: Science Robotics


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