
Showing posts from 2008

Medical Device Regulatory Bodies

Happy Holidays

NJSZT RobotDay

The FDA clearance of the ROBODOC system

Integrated Surgical Systems Inc.

MATE mini-symposium

Manufacturing2008 conference

BUDAMED2008 conference

IEEE-RAS/EMBC Biorob2008

BioRob – Surgical robotics workshop


Winter school on surgical robotics

Materials on robotics


Image guided surgery workgroup meeting

The NOTES technique

Bio-robotics lab at Stanford

Surgery for engineers II

GE Healthcare

Surgery for engineers

DTI tractography

MR compatible robotics

The Eye Robot

Diploma thesis

UW - BioRobotics Lab

ATA 2008 Meeting

Further materials on the web

The professionals of the West Coast

Further labs at LCSR

Visit at JPL