CIS news
- Bob Webster's team rolled out the new version of the cannula robot, aimed for brain clot removal
- We have seen some intubation robots already, but here is a new device from the Hebrew University
- (Also featured on MedGadget.)
- Hopkins patent on Interferometric force sensor for surgical instruments
- Robotic thyroidectomy was retired (the technique is not supported by Intuitive any more)
- Intuitive has lowered its forecast, sending the stocks to drop
- More stories emerging from failed surgeries
- And creating more conversations over the proper use of the technology
- Intuitive facing 26+ lawsuits
- Investors are still optimistic about da Vinci shares (despite the recent glitch)
- Imperial receives £4m grant money to develop miniature surgical robots
- Planning to attend iSMIT in Baden Baden? Check out the program!
- Endoscope designed for 20X less!iRobot is willing to provide 1 million year of independent living to its costumers
- Electroceuticals are coming
- EMOTIVE Insight EEG cap for lab and fun
- A postdoc position is available at Vanderbilt on the continuum robot project
- Post-doc position in surgical robotics / human and robot skill analysis at UCL, London on the CASCADE project
- Robotics Research Engineer position at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Image credit: Vanderbilt University, Hebrew University