Block review of EU-funded surgical robotics projects
To foster collaboration amongst European surgical robotics laboratories,
research institutes and medical companies individually and on a larger
scale between EU-funded consortia, a block review meeting will be
organized in Leuven, Belgium in the week from 24 to 28 March;
participating consortia are: microRALP - STIFF-FLOP and CASCADE.
Simultaneously this even will be used to show-case the current state of
European Surgical Robotic efforts towards the general public during the
European Surgical Robotics Demonstration Day which is open to the general public. Given the limited availability registration is mandatory and can be done here (participants to review meeting register through the review registration site).
In conjunction with the review, the European Surgical Robotics Demonstration Day will also take place at KU Leuven. Check the:
registration to meeting and reception offered by L-MTC. Note that the number of participants is limited to 150. Participants to the block review meeting should register here.