CIS news
- Titan passes the design and test of a feasibility prototype
- First DBS surgery performed with Mazor's Renaissance
- A nice article about the SpineAssist
- Triton-36 Instrument Cleaning System for da Vinci tools
- ProFormance Cleaning Verification - RoboticArmCheck
- Portescap recommends its motors for robotic surgery
- Corindus ranked #10 in robotics in the MA area
- More news and announcements on the Google and JnJ collaboration
- More guessing about Google's and JnJ's venture
- DNA Nanobots set to seek and destroy cancer cells in human trial
- Nanorobots harnessing bacterium spores
- Nanorobots are on the horizon!
- MEDi robot for interacting with children
- Stryker announces the PROFESS Navigation System
- HAL exoskeleton helps chronic spinal patients recovery
- Xenex's robot is selling like candies (passed 100 in 2013)
- Positive Disruptions - Expanding 3D and Robotic Implementation
- Future of VR in medicine
- Some new numbers regarding the market of medical robots
- The Pediatric Cardiac Bioengineering Lab at Harvard is looking for highly qualified post docs in the topics of Robotics Catheters and Robotics Implants
- IEEE SMC Medical Cyber-Physical Systems special session deadline extended to April 15!
- JMRR seeks articles for a Special Issue on Image-guided Intelligent Intervention
- 4th international Workshop on Medical and Service Robots
- Special session on robotics endoscopic surgery at ACCAS2015
- World Haptics workshop on "Cutaneous Feedback for Teleoperation in Medical Robotics"