Research at LCSR@JHU

We cannot pass by the amazing research projects that keep coming from Johns Hopkins University's LCSR labs - led by Prof. Taylor. They are one of the founders of this domain, and certainly among the most productive groups.
"We view the basic paradigm of patient-specific interventional medicine as a closed loop process, consisting of 1) combining specific information about the patient with the physician’s general knowledge to determine the patient’s condition; 2) formulating a plan of action; 3) carrying out this plan; and 4) evaluating the results. Further, the experience gathered over many patients may be combined to improve treatment plans and protocols for future patients. This process has existed since ancient times. Traditionally, all these steps have taken place in the physicians head. The ability of modern computer-based technology to assist humans in processing and acting on complex information will profoundly enhance this process in the 21st Century.
The CiiS Lab focuses broadly on all aspects of the systems and technologies associated with this basic process, including innovative algorithms for image processing and modeling, medical robots, imaging & sensing systems and devices, software, and human-machine cooperative systems. Our basic strategy involves working closely with clinicians, Industry, and other collaborators on system-oriented, problem-driven engineering research.
Note: CiiS and related labs grew out of the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST ERC). The ERC remains active, although the CISST web site has only been sporadically maintained since the $33M NSF seed money grant was spent out in 2009. Volume 1 of the ERC Final Report contains an excellent summary of the ERC progress up to that time"
Featured projects include:
Read more on their website, or here and here.


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