The global willingness to undergo robotic surgery is on the rise

A recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that while the global acceptance is on the rise, people are still hesitant to undergo robotic surgery in the more developed countries:
"The survey found that even in the operating theater, respondents would be willing for a robot to perform a minor surgical procedure instead of a doctor, if studies showed that they could do it better than a doctor, with close to half and up to 73% of all respondents willing. Respondents in Nigeria, Turkey and South Africa were the most willing to undergo minor surgery performed by robots (73%, 66% and 62% respectively), with the UK the least willing (36%).
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the situation changed dramatically when it came to major surgery, such as replacement of a knee or hip joint, removal of a tumour, or heart surgery.  The survey found much higher unwillingness for a robot to perform a major procedure instead of a doctor.  Even so, Nigeria, Turkey and South Africa were far more willing (69%, 60%, and 51% respectively) than unwilling."

Read the complete study here.


Some people are still hesitant about robotic-assisted surgery because they do not know the benefits and how the procedure works. Robotic-assisted surgery improves the surgeon's performance and accuracy, especially with partial joint replacement. I encourage my patients to choose robotic-assisted surgery when possible in Pearland, Texas. This technology is still new so it is important to learn how robotics helps the medical field.

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