Call for A-Editors of the IEEE Trans. on Medical Robotics and Bionics

The current T-MRB Editorial Board includes 1 Editor-in-Chief, 1 Deputy Editor-in-Chief, 6 Senior Editors, and 24 Associate Editors.

Associate Editors play a fundamental role in ensuring the quality of published articles and guiding the general development of the Transactions. The editorial support consists of a critical and careful review of the manuscript according to the IEEE guidelines, soliciting emerging topical articles for special issues, and guiding the overall direction of the publication (managed in Clarivate’s ScholarOne). Furthermore, Associate Editors will also provide feedback from the readership through e-mail conversations, teleconferences, and a year meeting held in person, twice a year in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA) and either the IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) or the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

An Associate Editor's term typically consists of a one-year probation period, followed by two years of additional service if the performance is satisfactory. T-MRB is looking forward to receiving applications from qualified candidates committed to ensure excellence and a timely service in their reviews. Candidates should have a solid technical background in T-MRB-related areas and excellent English language skills. Candidates should check the following keywords and include one primary keyword and at least another keyword in their application:

  • health care applications of robotic and/or of bionic components and systems able to support prevention, diagnosis or treatment of human diseases;.
  • devices for physical and cognitive rehabilitation;
  • supporting systems for independent living;
  • medical systems which mimic living organisms;
  • surgical robots and technologies that intimately interact with the human body;
  • bionic artificial organs;
  • active implantable devices featuring direct interfaces to the human body.

Nominations should include a resume (not to exceed three pages), a complete list of journal publications, previous experience with publications as an Associate Editor or a Reviewer, or in other editorial capacities, and areas of technical expertise. Contact details of two references, under whom the candidate served in editorial positions before.

Please submit nominations in a single pdf file to the Editor in Chief, Prof. Paolo Dario at and in copy to T-MRB Editorial Office at by 15 AUGUST 2022. Any questions on this Call may be directed to"

Source: IEEE RAS


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